Thank you for visiting the Small Groups page on Hope Online! At Hope, we believe that Small Groups are an important part of staying connected to Jesus. Our small groups focus on three areas: Bible Study. Prayer. Fellowship. Hope Online allows us to digitally focus on these three things.
Below, you’ll find ways to stay connected to your Small Group through online teachings and other content. Hope Online is a vital resource for you to stay connected to your church family. Be sure to check this page every week for new content and updates.
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Explore the Bible - Romans - Session 14 - How’s Your Reach?
In the final session for our study through Romans, Paul discusses what’s next for him, while also showing gratitude to his ministry partners. Ministry is not designed to be done alone, even Paul knew that. How’s your reach? As ambassadors of Christ, we carry the Good News with us and are driven by our love for God and our love for people.
Explore the Bible - Romans - Session 13 - Unity Among Disunity
Once again division defines our country. The destroying reality of sin has only one solution, and unity is only found through one Door. Spiritually transformed countries require spiritually transformed people. Paul’s letter to the Romans has a lot to say about the state of our country and how we should respond to it. This week, we look at how the church should be fighting for unity.
Explore the Bible - Romans - Session 12 - Citizens
What is a believer’s responsibility to the government? If we ultimately answer to God, what is the role of human government? Paul addresses this issue in Romans 13 to an audience that would have every reason not to trust their own governing authorities. The message to the early Roman church still applies to us today. This week, Pastor Mark looks at how Paul tackles the issue of living out your faith while maintaining dual citizenship in Heaven and on Earth.
Explore the Bible - Romans - Session 11 - Sacrifices
In a mere two verses from Romans 12, Paul gives us an entire summary of what it means to live the life of a Christian. Spiritual transformation might feel like a buzzword from the church nowadays, but it is actually a vital aspect of living a holy life. Change doesn’t come without gratitude, and transformation doesn’t come without sacrifice.
Explore the Bible - Romans - Session 10 - Mercy Mercy
Do you remember those days on the playground when teams were getting picked for kickball? No one wants to feel left out. Thankfully, God’s mercy is large enough to include anyone who will believe in His Son, Jesus Christ. This week’s lesson covers Romans 11 and concludes Paul’s section on the role of the Israelites under the New Covenant.
Explore the Bible - Romans - Session 9 - Saved
In chapters 9-11 of Romans, Paul seemingly takes a detour from his train of thought up to this point, or does he? Paul spends these three chapters further addressing some topics he brought up earlier in the book. He also teaches on some of the most debated and studied doctrines in the history of the church. In this session, we’ll look at Romans 9 and 10, and what it calls us to do as Christians.
Explore the Bible - Romans - Session 8 - For Sure Secure
The moment a child is adopted comes with joy and anticipation. As adopted children of God, the guarantee of the Holy Spirit living inside us gives us the joy of salvation and the anticipation of being a new creation, along with all the blessings that come with it. In Romans 8, Paul addresses how we can be assured that we are securely in the Family of God.
Explore the Bible - Romans - Session 7 - The Freedom Not To
All of us want to have more freedom, but freedom isn’t just about what we can do, it’s also about what we are free NOT to do. This week in Romans 6 and 7, we look at what God wants to accomplish through us because of the gospel.
Explore the Bible - Romans - Session 6 - Easter Edition
This week, we take a step outside the book of Romans to catch our breath and stand in awe of the Resurrection! We’ve already learned that Jesus Christ is the atoning sacrifice for our debt, and his righteousness allows for our justification, and all that is only possibly through the work of the cross. We are witnesses!
Explore the Bible - Romans - Session 5 - Bring it All to Peace
Christians should have lives marked by peace, hope, and joy. But those are effects. What is the cause behind them? Because we have been justified, we can live at peace with God. The human race’s war with God can end; we can experience hope and purpose for this life and the next. This week, in Romans 5, Paul gives us three distinct benefits of justification and two proofs that God loves us.
Explore the Bible - Romans - Session 4 - Credit Card Declined
Have you been to a restaurant and your credit or debit card was declined, or maybe you didn’t have enough cash at a cash-only restaurant? It’s an awkward feeling when we can’t pay our bill, but the truth is everyone on the planet is in a situation just like that. In Romans 3, we’re taught how we are justified and the bill has been paid for us. We’ll also answer the question, how can a just God justify justifying unjust us?
Explore the Bible – Romans – Session 3 – Everyone Needs a Savior
Nine you’re fine, ten you’re mine. Many of us have probably made that excuse when we find ourselves speeding. Tonight’s look at Romans talks about how the Jewish people were making the same excuse with God’s written law, the Old Testament. However, the law is INSUFFICIENT to save anyone, and we’ll see why everyone needs a savior. Watch this video to before you work through the Personal Study Guide.