Ephesians 5:18b-19
Be filled with the Holy Spirit, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts.
This is why we worship at Hope:
A relationship with God naturally produces worship of Him. He tests us, challenges us, saves us, showers us with gifts, provides for us, and protects us. He is intimately involved in our lives, and in return, we praise and adore Him. We worship Him. True worship is not forced or false. It flows naturally from us toward the One who controls our life and destiny.
Here is what you can expect when you come to worship at Hope:
- The service will start with contemporary music led by our worship team.
- We celebrate communion every Sunday. If you choose not to participate for any reason, no one will call attention to you.
- We collect a weekly offering, but please don’t feel any pressure to give. You are our guest.
- The message is designed to be both biblical and relevant. You’ll find real answers to the real problems and situations we all face in life.
- The service will last approximately one hour.
- Most of all, we want to create an atmosphere where you can connect to Jesus.